OLAMS provides you a home when you have nowhere else to go
At OLAMS we address your crisis. Through a collaborative process with our team, we create a plan to prepare for your child’s birth, obtain housing, and lay the groundwork for your professional future.

Your mental health matters
We understand that every woman coming to the shelter enters with a unique story. Mental health plays a significant role in our lives. Unfortunately, many mental health facilities will not accept pregnant women and many maternity shelters will not accept women with mental health issues.
To fully support you, OLAMS provides a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) specializing in mental health trauma therapy for both mothers and their children as well as group therapy programs.
OLAMS provides three unique services to its clients and the broader community.

Emergency Shelter
You and our trained staff develop a program unique to your needs. The program addresses immediate needs, and prepares you for motherhood and living independently.
You and your children receive LPC mental health trauma therapy. The facility houses up to 18 women and children.
Ready to Apply?
If you are interested in becoming a client at OLAMS, please call our office at 254-742-2340 to begin the intake process.

The Aftercare program helps you continue to succeed independently. Once you have successfully moved out of the shelter, Aftercare is available to you up to when your child is 36 months old. The program provides life skills, job readiness, and higher education support; materials assistance; continues counseling and case management; and educates you on the resources available to you in your community.
This support solidifies the foundation for you to break the cycle of homelessness and create a better future for you and your children.

Material Assistance Program
The Material Assistance Program expands OLAMS’ services beyond the shelter walls to the broader community of mothers and children. OLAMS distributes items such as diapers, formula, and car seats throughout Texas (items distributed depend on current availability). To be eligible for materials assistance, families must participate in an educational course or counseling session.
For Materials Assistance help or information on hosting a Materials Assistance event, please fill out a registration form.